What We Do

For more than 27 years, the IPHA Team has worked at the intersection of international development, public health, and the private sector. Nineteen of those years have been spent as active members of the malaria community in a variety of capacities. Since the inception of the Roll Back Malaria (RBM) Partnership, the IPHA team has led a number of key initiatives including managing the development and dissemination of the new Action and Investment for Malaria (AIM) document, drafting and rolling out the Advocacy for Resource Mobilization (ARM) Guide, participating in the RBM Partnership’s Board, and supporting RBM’s Malaria Advocacy Working Group and Harmonization Working Group in gap analysis activities related to resource mobilization efforts. In addition, the team has supported global resource mobilization and advocacy efforts for the Global Fund and has worked in partnership with UN agencies (e.g., UNICEF, UNHCR, UNFPA), the United Nations Foundation, the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), and the World Bank.

The IPHA Team’s unique knowledge of disease context, communities and relationships within and across stakeholder groups minimizes redundancy and accelerates the learning curve, offering the lowest risk and best overall value to our clients.

Key Capabilities

We understand Public-Private partnerships.

The IPHA Team offers an organized methodology for assessing and developing a public-private partnership. The main instrument is a business case that presents decision-makers with key information about the proposed partnership in a consistent, balanced format that facilitates the evaluation, comparison and prioritization of potentially competing initiatives. The IPHA Team guides the partners in developing their shared vision and assists in preparing governance and project planning. We also ensure that resource are allocated based on sound business rationale and consistent with the priorities and vision outlined by the partners.

We have extensive evaluation capabilities.

The IPHA Team has decades of evaluation experience in the public and private sectors, collecting and managing data, analyzing data to identify patterns, anomalies, and insights, and translating the data into valuable business information and actionable recommendations. The IPHA Team’s frameworks and recommendations are developed for precise program needs. Additionally, we believe in the importance of actionable and tangible results and observations, and will design the final report to be highly accessible, interactive, and structured to easily empower, inform, and communicate strategic management decisions.

We know how to mobilize resources.

The IPHA Team, with its long-standing relationships with multilateral and bilateral organizations, private sector corporations, foundations, NGOs and FBOs have the access to explore which organizations would be receptive to funding portions or all of a project or campaign. Developing the business case, demonstrating value-for-money, and understanding the yearly funding gaps are essential for any resource mobilization effort, no matter the target. By leveraging proven tools for resource mobilization, the we tailor our approach to the client and we have the experience necessary to translate that vision into action and achieve the desired results.

We are communicators.

We work closely with programs to create excitement and enthusiasm around key initiatives. The IPHA Team works closely to define and develop driving principles that inform all communication, advocacy or outreach activities to build awareness for an organization. The IPHA Team identifies and segments key stakeholder audiences, frames high-level messages that need to be communicated, and leverages various communication channels (existing and innovative) that can be used to effectively target each audience segment.

Select Projects

  • Roll Back Malaria/Johns Hopkins University Center for Communications Programs – Advocacy Resource Mobilization for malaria (ARM) Guide and Training
  • Roll Back Malaria ARM Training of Trainers for Resource Mobilization
  • Roll Back Malaria Development of the Action and Investment to defeat Malaria 2016-2030 (AIM) Document
  • Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (GFATM) – 5-Year Evaluation
  • Roll Back Malaria Alliance for Malaria Prevention Toolkit
  • World Bank Malaria Commodity Procurement Evaluation
  • Roll Back Malaria Gap Analysis and Resource Mobilization
  • United Nations Foundation Resource Mobilization and Advocacy Strategy for the Friends of the Global Fund Middle East and North Africa
  • Roll Back Malaria Procurement and Supply Chain Management – LLIN procurement analysis and training
  • United Nations Foundation Pledge Guarantee for Health
  • Nothing But Nets Technical Assistance and Grant Management
  • GFATM Friends of the Global Fund groups: advocacy, resource mobilization, and strategic expansion
  • World Bank Malaria Booster Procurement Toolkit